There are some fun grammar books like "To Root, to Toot, to Parachute" by Brian P. Cleary that reads like a fun rhyming story.

Students can read the book to each other and then make up a list of verbs on their own.
One activity you can do is set up stations with one of these books at each table: verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns.
In small groups, the students move from one table to the next, reading the book and then making a list.
The students have 5 minutes at each table, and its a competition to see which group can come up with the greatest list of words at each table.
I had a Gr. 5/6 class that really enjoyed this activity!
My Gr. 1/2 class were surprised when I read them this book by Jo Ellen Bogart:
Not very many students know that there are people in the world who cannot read or have not gone to school. "Jeremiah Learns to Read" was very eye-opening for them.
Here is a more modern version of "Jeremiah Learns to Read." What a great way to open children's minds to situations in our world today:

This book can be bought through Scholastic!